From I 77

Take Exit 1 onto US 52 N John F Nash Blvd (1.7 miles)

Use the right lane to merge onto US 460 E toward Princeton (.09 miles)

Turn left onto US 19 S keep straight (4 miles)

At traffic light turn left onto US 52 N *Hardee's on the corner (.1 mile)

Turn right at traffic light onto US 52 N (4 miles)

Turn right onto WV 71 N Lorton Lick Rd (3.4 miles)

Turn left onto Crane Creek Rd at the sharp curve that looks like you are driving into a church parking lot (.2 mile)

Look for our sign on the left just after crossing the bridge. Turn left at the sign onto the gravel road and go across the wooden bridge. The cabins are on the right.

Parking is available in front of the cabins.